You and I may be close to losing ownership of our own genes. As with Monsanto’s mad patent ride into farmer’s fields, genetics companies are scrambling to isolate and claim ownership of human genes. Andrew Cohen, awarding winning legal analyst, offers his opinion on the most recent federal appeals courtContinue Reading

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced today that a ‘cocaine vaccine’ is on track for implementation. The premise, according to the article, is that the vaccine forces the body to produce antibodies to the cocaine molecule, hence rendering it impossible for cocaine to pass through to the brain: LikeContinue Reading

[So, on Mars, do they ‘go red’? — SKG] By Judith Burns, Science reporter (BBC News) — The Martian surface is very hostile to organics say scientists. Methane on Mars is being produced and destroyed far faster than on Earth, according to analysis of recent data. Scientists in Paris used a computer climateContinue Reading