This is one of those heartwarming stories that I love to hear about–and that are not generally reported by the MSM. Kudos to the local Fox affiliate for covering it! And congrats to PID listeners Gabe and Kimberly for making room in their busy home for one of these beautifulContinue Reading

Just a quick mention of this tidbit. I’ve just added an update to my earlier post about Mark Sanford’s sudden reappearance at the Atlanta airport after spending his time in Argentina (not the Appalachian Trail–nice try at a cover story). In his presser this afternoon, Sanford wept a little andContinue Reading

REPRESENTATIVE Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI) delivered a moving speech from the floor of the House yesterday that crystallized the Iranian struggle into one name: Neda. McCotter’s eloquent words echo those of Iranian protesters who have chosen the image of young Neda as a rallying point for their cause. “I am Neda”,Continue Reading