Someone Will Eventually Use CRISPR to Try to Make a Dragon or Unicorn | Motherboard

[N]o, I didn’t write this, but the article makes a very good point. The day is coming when someone will decide to try creating completely unique animals by rewriting DNA. Jurassic World is just around the corner.

The world’s top geneticists decided to spend the vast majority of last week discussing how to keep new genetic editing tools from ultimately destroying the human race. A noble goal, sure. But considerably less time has been spent discussing how genetically editing other species might change the idea of “nature” as we know it.

A future where the gene editing technique CRISPR/Cas9 is used by DIY biologists,genetic engineering startups, and even artists create fanciful organisms straight out of sci-fi is not just possible—it’s likely, argue two of the country’s top bioethicists.

Read the entire article here: Someone Will Eventually Use CRISPR to Try to Make a Dragon or Unicorn | Motherboard