Christian-Muslim Tensions in Egypt Laid Low at Cairo Exorcisms |

[A]nd this comes today from Cairo. No less than reports on weekly sessions of casting out demons in Cairo. St. Samaan’s Church has a curious history (read all about the Miracle of their founding and the moving of a mountain in the 10th century AD at their website. Note the bold type that I’ve emphasized that attributes to the ‘jinn’ a fear of Coptic Christians over Muslim Imans:

But there is at least one sphere of Egyptian contemporary life where interfaith cooperation perseveres, and that is at weekly exorcisms performed by one of the country’s most celebrated priests, Father Sama’an Ibrahim. He is one of the few priests in Egypt who can preform exorcisms — not even the Coptic Pope can — and his reputation for expelling demons of all kinds extends well beyond his Christian flock. Muslim Imams can do exorcisms as well, explains the woman, who declined to give her name, but her mother’s case required some extra muscle. “We went to a mosque first for healing, but the demons who harm her are more afraid of the Christian priest.” [emphasis mine]

via Christian-Muslim Tensions in Egypt Laid Low at Cairo Exorcisms |