In just over two weeks, we’ll all be clacking away on our keyboards while slugging down gallons of coffee and cola to keep awake! Doesn’t that sound like a great time? Are your creative juices flowing? Stuck for an idea? Wondering if you’re insane? Haven’t yet signed up? (If youContinue Reading

ETA for first words typed: 12:01 am, November 1, 2010. I don’t know about you, but I’m particularly excited about this year’s National Novel Writing Month challenge. Yes, I’m one of the old veterans of the 30 day writing marathon, having started back in 2002, but there’s something different inContinue Reading

FINALLY, I can understand why my mind has been so divided regarding writing. For two years now, I’ve been struggling to complete the third book in the Laodicea series (Doctrines of Demons), but the story, characters, and general ‘feel’ of it has never quite satisfied me. It’s been a love/hateContinue Reading