You CAN Read through the Bible in Just 90 Days!

RECENTLY, I came across an ambitious reading plan that will enable you to read the entire Bible, cover to cover, in just 90 days. With such a plan, you spend about half an hour each day, reading about 16 chapters. This is a very doable pace, and it will give you a deeper appreciation of the scriptures and start you on a path to spiritual discovery about God’s glorious plan throughout all of of time.

This plan also gives you a chance to read the Bible through FOUR TIMES EACH YEAR! So, join me, won’t you? Don’t despair about starting on the first chapters, if you’re just now joining. Leap into today’s reading and then start at the top when we’ve completed the 90 days and begin anew with Day One.

I use Blue Letter Bible for my reading. This allows me a quick source for research while reading. Today’s assignment: Joshua 15:1 – Judges 3:27. I’ll try to post my thoughts about the verses each day, beginning tomorrow. Sorry for not starting this daily ‘lesson’ earlier, but we’ve been swamped in the ‘Bunker’. More on the reason in a couple of weeks.

If you’ve decided to join me, let me know by sharing this post on your Facebook page! Let’s get lots of people engaged in reading God’s Holy Word!