Bible in 90 Days Returns in July

ON July 1, 2011, I’ll begin the 90 day reading of the Bible. Due to our move in April, I had to put this project on hold, so I chose to wait until the beginning of the next ‘quarter’ of the year. We have time to read the entire word of God twice before the end of the year. Won’t you join me?


  1. Hey Sharon, I’ll join you. I use e-sword, which is a very good, free bible program. I looked at the Zondervan schedule and was able to quickly create it in my bible program. Makes it easier for those of us who like to read things electronically. 🙂

    1. Author

      Glad for the company on this journey, David! I’ve been shopping around for a small WiFi device, so I might look into e-sword. Thanks!!

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